Six sources of vitamin D
January 27, 2020 | Farah Jassawalla

Six sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient when it comes to ensuring the health and upkeep of the human body as it plays a significant role in the development of bones and teeth and the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin D has been linked to many health benefits and should be consumed in moderate levels daily. Let's look at some food sources rich in vitamin D.
1. Salmon
Salmon is a popular pink colored fish that is rich in vitamin D – vitamin D in salmon improves blood flow and reduces the risks of congenital disease and body inflammation. Furthermore, salmon helps balance hormones that control appetite. It also elevates metabolic rate, which is essential for weight loss. Studies also show that salmon has been linked to better memory as it refines brain functions and improves nerve flow to the brain, hence lowering the risk of dementia.
2. Kale
Kale is a dark green vegetable, which is an astonishing source of vitamin D as it helps maintain good skin and hair by keeping it moisturized and repairing its cells. Moreover, kale also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are substances that protect against eye diseases such as CMV retinitis by repairing eye cells regularly. On top of that, kale has impressive properties that can reduce risks of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease while also causing weight loss.
3. Orange Juice
A glass of orange juice contains enough vitamin D to increase the development of bones, fasten the healing of wounds as well as keep gums healthy by preventing gum redness and swelling. Additionally, the antioxidants in orange juice prevent damage to brain cells by getting rid of free radicals – unstable, harmful molecules that are produced by damaged or dead cells. Moreover, orange juice raises the pH of urine, which decreases the risk of large kidney stones and cures diarrhea. However, orange juice should be consumed in moderation since it has high sugar content and calories, which may lead to excessive weight gain.
4. Spinach
A green leafy vegetable that is an incredible source of vitamin D, Spinach is loaded with nutrients that regulate the risks of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, spinach is high in beta-carotene, which helps prevent the risks of developing asthma, and its reasonable magnesium content is vital in treating asthma patients. Furthermore, spinach contains a few powerful antioxidants which help decrease the chances of diabetes by balancing blood sugar levels.
5. Egg Yolk
A bright yellow protein known as egg yolk is a crucial origin of vitamin D, which boosts the immune system by protecting the body against bacterial and fungal diseases. Moreover, egg yolk consists of amino acids which are pivotal in avoiding cardiovascular diseases, as it relaxes blood vessels and improves blood circulation in the heart. Egg yolks are also an excellent meal for sports or fitness activities, as they are filled with protein, which can raise energy levels and the construction of muscles.

6. Cheese

Cheese is a dairy product obtained from milk that can be a great choice for incorporating vitamin D into your diet. It is associated with many health benefits such as the development of strong bones as well as protecting against bone diseases like osteoporosis. Along with that, studies have shown that cheese is crucial for dental health as it is comprised of calcium, which balances the pH level in the gum and teeth, resulting in fewer cavities.
In conclusion, vitamin D is a vital nutrient that is most beneficial in keeping the bones and immune system healthy. The foods listed above are some essential sources of vitamin D that have countless advantages for the human body, which means it is crucial that they are consumed daily.

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Farah Jassawalla

Farah Jassawalla is a graduate of the Lahore School of Economics. She is also a writer, and healthcare enthusiast, having closely observed case studies while working with Lahore's thriving general physicians at their clinics.